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How Do You Choose the Right Animal Control Professional?If you have rodent problem, it is imperative that you find an exterminating professional that knows how to deal with this specific problem as they have their own individual requirements that need to be met in order to keep them from returning. Many people who live in Atlanta metro area don’t realize that there are a number of areas in the city that have severe problems with roof rats, norway rats, mice, bats, raccoons, squirrels, and other unwanted guests. You may think that most pests and rodents enter your home at the foundation and stay in the basement, between walls or make the occasional visit long enough to leave their droppings under the sink or in drawers and cabinets. But many crafty critters find they prefer the attic. Rodents and other vermin can take up residence in your attic where their activities can be not only annoying but can be very destructive to your property. You can usually get a rough idea of what type of rodent is living in your house. For instance, do you hear them mostly at night or during the day? If you venture up into the attic, do you hear buzzing or swarms? Do you see movement or crawling/slithering? Is there a strong scent? No matter what type of attic rodent, pests, or other wildlife you have, it is imperative that you call a professional that is well-versed in rodent control. You need to be sure you select a wildlife control expert who can not only get rid of the pesky creatures, but prevent them from getting in again.
What Questions Should You Ask the Rodent Control Company?Are the company and technicians licensed with DNR (GA Department of Natural Resources) and properly insured to perform necessary trapping methods and repairs? What is their key area of expertise and do they have experience with an attic rodent problem? How are they going to treat the area, remove any carcass(es), disinfect the space, replace any insulation that may have been destroyed, and would they repair any areas that would serve as an entry point to insure that no attic rodents or critters can enter again?
What Kind of Information Should You Gather About Your Trapped Rodents?We understand that you don’t want to put yourself or family at risk by entering the attic where you may be bitten or have access to possible diseases rodents can spread like Hanta Virus and Salmonella, but you may see signs of infestation around your home that could give you clues as to what type of attic rodent you may be dealing with. The feces of different critters vary greatly, mice and bats have small 1/8-inch pellets, while rats and squirrels have sausage-shaped, larger feces. If you do venture up to the attic to do your reconnaissance, make sure to wear protective gloves, long sleeves, pants, and a face mask.
What Should You Do After Your Rodents Have Been Eradicated?After the rodents have been exterminated and removed, there are a couple things you can do to make sure they don’t return. In Spring and Fall, go up into the attic to make sure there are no new holes or areas where light is coming through, where attic rodents could possibly enter. Trim trees so that any rodents crawling up tree branches won’t be able to drop down onto the roof and look for their way in. Have the rodent exclusion process completed on the exterior of your home. Rodents will not chew or enter your home through areas that have been protected by galvanized metal products (Example : flashing, wire meshing, and critter proofing sealants Most importantly, make sure that you use a professional rodent control expert to get rid of these attic rodents before they have a chance to multiply and turn into an infestation.
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